Separating religion and state for a fairer society
The National Secular Society exists to challenge religious privilege and is Britain's only organisation working exclusively towards a secular society.
Secularism explained | National Secular Society
Secularism is a political idea concerned with the best way to govern religiously pluralist societies. The model of secularism we advocate for defends the civil liberties of all, whatever your personal beliefs. The principles of secularism which protect and underpin liberal democracy and many of …
Secularism explained | National Secular Society
Secularism seeks to defend the absolute freedom of religious and other belief, and protect the right to manifest religious belief insofar as it does not impinge on the rights and freedoms of others. Secularism ensures that the right of individuals to freedom of religion is always balanced by the right to be free from religion.
About us | National Secular Society - secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society campaigns for the separation of religion and state and equal respect for everyone's human rights, so no one is either advantaged or disadvantaged because of their beliefs.
Our work | National Secular Society
A secular democracy where everyone is treated equally, regardless of religion or belief. To build a freer, fairer and more tolerant society where people are free to follow the beliefs they choose and where no particular belief systems are privileged or imposed. To …
Secularism in 2024: A year in review | National Secular Society
Dec 27, 2024 · January The importance of our campaign to defend freedom of expression became apparent early in the year when registered charity Hindu Council UK threatened to report Leicester Secular Society to the police over a talk critical of Hinduism. Criticism of ideas should not be conflated with attacks upon individuals. The fundamental right to free speech must include speech which offends religious ...
NSS: New studies show need to separate religion and state
Oct 3, 2024 · The National Secular Society has repeated its calls for secular democracy in the UK, after new research revealed most Brits think Christianity is not important to British identity and feel negatively about religion. Only 19% of British people think it is "very" or "fairly" important to be Christian to be "truly British", according to research published by NatCen last month. This is a ...
Freedom of religion or belief | National Secular Society
Freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is a fundamental human right. It is explicitly protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the Human Rights Act 1998. Protecting everyone's freedom to hold and express religious or non-religious beliefs equally is key to secularism. In a secular democracy, no religion or belief is advantaged or ...
Our Secular Charter | National Secular Society
The National Secular Society works for the separation of religion and state and equal respect for everyone's human rights so that no one is either advantaged or disadvantaged on account of their beliefs.
Our story | National Secular Society
We've been at the forefront of campaigning for a freer, fairer, secular society for over 150 years.