Relations between the USA and Ukraine hit a low point last week: In front of live television cameras, there was a confrontation in the Oval Office of the White House between President Trump, Vice ...
The migration of highly skilled Tunisians to the GCC countries has transformed since the 1970s, with expanding sectors and increased female participation. Initially concentrated in education and ...
Peacekeeping mandates often prioritize short-term goals, focusing on stabilizing immediate crises through targeted peacekeeping activities. This approach frequently leaves deeper systemic issues that ...
This paper comes at a crucial juncture in the history of not just Lebanon, but also of the region, with the objective of exploring the question of Federalism in Lebanon through four key perspectives: ...
The death of Bernhard Vogel is associated with the memory of an extraordinary, in many respects unique political biography. The political scientist actually wanted to stay at university. His candidacy ...
The parliamentary elections held on February 9, 2025 were the first elections since independence to be held on the regular election date. However, the current election result without a clear winner ...
Eine Reporterin des Deutschlandfunks hat den ganzen Tag unser drittes Cafe Kyiv besucht. In der Abendsendung „Fazit“ schildert sie ihre Eindrücke: Es gehe darum, dass die Ukraine in unserer Aufmerksam ...
Unsere Büroleiterin in Chișinău, Brigitta Triebel, erklärt im Gastbeitrag für, wie das kleine südosteuropäische Land mit der ständigen Bedrohung durch Russland umgeht. Die politische Wende in ...
Mit dieser Botschaft eröffnete Norbert Lammert das dritte Cafe Kyiv und setzte gemeinsam mit 5.000 Gästen ein starkes Zeichen der Solidarität mit der ukrainischen Bevölkerung.
Im Jahr 2000 kehrte Eugene DuBow in die USA zurück und war seitdem Senior Advisor des AJC. Er begleitete bis ins hohe Alter ...
Das phoenix tagesgespräch am Montag, den 10. März 2025, mit Prof. Norbert Lammert, dem Vorsitzenden der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und Bundestagspräsident a.D., zu den gesellschafts- und ... ...