Hollywood Casting Director Paul Weber is vising Australia. He shares with ArtsHub what it takes to succeed in this role.
The Silver Logie winner, Rob Carlton, is bringing his powerful and award-winning one-man show, 'Willing Participant' to MICF ...
Seed funding for collaborative creative ideas, pitched to an audience on 19 June. Winner receives $1000 as development ...
Call for LGBQTIA+ Creatives! Apply now for our 2026 Rainbow Exhibition at Eltham Library Community Gallery. Receive exhibition support, a $5000 project fee, a Council opening event, promotions & more.
PSY24IGE: A lecture about introvert history, present and future. Due to unforeseen issues tutor Matt Boring (Luke Morris) ...
Melbourne and the Movies is a wonderfully rich treasure trove of the history of the silver screen in Melbourne.
The Melbourne International Comedy Festival (MICF) is a world of a thousand of stories. But not many of those storytellers ...
A unique light projection and music event that brings to life the architecture and history of Billilla through the work of ...
An emerging ceramicist from regional Queensland, Rachel North, embodies the Japanese principle of wabi sabi in Anthology of Memory.
In the year 2042, a woman attempts to sort out her life while coming to terms with her mother's therapy robot dog, in the MTC ...
Kaija Saariaho's Innocence was a complex and multilayered production about collective guilt and trauma that deployed different languages and singing styles for Adelaide Festival.
What was it like growing up as a sister of rock star poet Dorothy Porter? Josie McSkimming explains all in Gutsy Girls.