The case study and analyses presented here illustrate the crucial role of human factors engineering (HFE) in patient safety. HFE is a framework for efficient and constructive thinking which includes ...
Background: Data of quality are needed to identify ethnic disparities in health and healthcare and to meet the challenges in governance of race relations. Yet concerns over completeness, accuracy and ...
The Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) Network indexes over 600 reporting guidelines designed to improve the reproducibility of manuscripts across medical fields and ...
Background Given the emphasis on promoting inclusive policies, we investigated the relationship between US hospitals’ inclusion efforts for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, ...
Correspondence to Dr Joanna Abraham, Department of Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, St Louis, MO 63110, USA; joannaa{at} Objective To conduct a systematic ...
2 Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Background Shift change handoffs are known to be a point of vulnerability in the quality, safety and outcomes of healthcare.
Background Respiratory rate (RR) is an independent predictor of adverse outcomes and an integral component of many risk prediction scores for hospitalised adults. Yet, it is unclear if RR is recorded ...
Developing the allied health professionals workforce within mental health, learning disability and autism inpatient services: rapid review of learning from quality and safety incidents ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Background Children represent fewer than 10% of emergency medical services (EMS) encounters in the USA. We evaluated whether agency-level paediatric volume is associated with the quality of ...
Correspondence to Shirley M Moore, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106-4904, USA; smm8{at} Traditionally, nurses have had a key role in ...