Opera Software surprised its users by announcing a major update to its much criticised Windows Phone app – Opera Mini. The new update brings a major overhaul in the design and aesthetic aspects ...
Bing Maps has introduced several new changes. Apart from new top of the world imagery, Bing Maps also released over 13 million sq km of updated satellite imagery. The top of the world imagery ...
The official blog post says, “We are excited to continue the work we announced at Build to make Windows 10 PCs work great with your phone. Microsoft Edge for iOS is available starting today in ...
It is surprising news to Windows 10 community that Google Chrome is now available in the Microsoft Store because the Microsoft-Google rivalry has been a hot topic for a few years mainly when ...
Microsoft India’s online store has been hacked and defaced! Although it was possible to browse individual items, the home page displayed the following message. The credit for the hack has been ...
The Ixquick search engine is soon to merge with StartPage search engine. The Company recently announced the merger via their official blog. As per the stats revealed by the company, StartPage, the ...
The festive season has begun, and the anticipation to meet Santa Claus is obviously very high. This year too, NORAD and Bing will let you know the whereabouts of Santa, Microsoft has teamed up ...
Although, Windows 10 Creators Update is out it has been hit by few bugs. One of the few is reported to affect the performance and health of UPS-connected desktops. Desktop computer connected to ...
Bing and Facebook are now strongly integrated, allowing its users to interact with their Facebook friends directly from the search result page. Bing users who have connected their Facebook ...
Microsoft has launched a Web site to discuss key technology policy debates about privacy, security, competition, cloud computing, intellectual property rights & other topics. Technology ...
Google has added a new application sign-in feature to its popular social networking platform Google Plus. The feature is believed to provide app developers with an option of allowing users sign up ...
Internet Explorer 12 has now become the most awaited version of IE. But what is more interesting about it is the list of features in Internet Explorer 12 that IE has published for the world to see.