It has been barely two months since the latest tranche of restrictive measures imposed on Russia and its supporting countries, namely China and North Korea. The fifteenth package, adopted last ...
Most importantly, for the first time, the European Union is imposing a transaction ban on credit or financial institutions established outside Russia that use the ‘financial message transfer system’ ...
The European Automotive Suppliers Association (CLEPA) seeks the sector's sustainable transition through an agreement with policymakers. Climate neutrality, circularity, responsible supply chains, and ...
For some time, a discouraged claim that “democracy does not have the strength to save itself” has been gaining ground. The concern comes from the analysis of the fact that through democratic systems ...
Since 2018, European steel production has plunged by 34 million tons. European Commission President von der Leyen will hold the first meeting of the Strategic Steel Dialogue on March 4 by Marco La ...
Brussels – Google acted with abusive market practices against Enel X, unfairly preventing interoperability when it could have guaranteed it. An abuse of a dominant position, according to the Court of ...
Sunday's election is crucial not only for Europe's leading economy but also for understanding how Berlin will behave within the EU and in its international relations (starting with those with Ukraine) ...
Brussels – Simplification, digitalization and innovation. There is no reference to what was a central strategy of the European Union’s Green Deal, which aimed to make food systems fair, healthy, and ...
With the threshold for an absolute majority in the Bundestag set at 316, Merz will need to lean on some other party to govern. Given the FDP’s ouster from the House, the distribution of seats among ...
Rome – The first meeting of the European Parliament’s Interest Group on Health Promotion, chaired by MEP Michele Picaro (FdI/ECR), was held today in Rome. The group, comprising 19 MEPs from different ...
Brussels – Eurozone inflation stood at 2.5 percent in January, up from December (+0.1 percentage points, pp). Eurostat confirms the preliminary data released earlier this month, certifying the rise in ...
The countries that received the most applicants were Germany (16,820), Spain (14,925), Italy, and France (11,620 and 11,345, respectively), which together accounted for about 73 percent of all asylum ...