Louvenia Jenkins, who grew up in East St. Louis, was one of the first Black homeowners in Pacific Palisades. She lived in that house for 57 years. Until Jan. 7.
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She is 96 and was one of the first Black female homeowners in Pacific Palisades. After the fire, she is starting over.
Saying she shows incredible resilience, Supervisor Horvath honors Louvenia Jenkins, 97, who lost her home in Palisades fire.
When Louvenia Jenkins purchased a home in Pacific Palisades in 1967, she became one of the first Black residents in the ...
When Louvenia Jenkins purchased a home in Pacific Palisades in 1967, she became one of the first Black residents in the ...
A Southern California woman who broke barriers as one of the first Black homeowners in the Pacific Palisades neighborhood was one of the many who lost everything ...