The fire wiped out almost everything,” Bernard said. “It's a war zone. We're all just dealing with it day by day, but it's so ...
People who make a habit of sleeping on the job comprise a secret society of sorts within the U.S. labor force. Inspired by ...
USA TODAY analysis finds 3.3 million Americans live in areas with "very high" wildfire risk and 14.8 million more at ...
As Southern California residents are still dealing with recent wildfires, Florida A&M University alumni couple Bernard Kinsey and Shirley Kinsey – famous collectors of African American art ...
Most of the country experienced dry weather except for West and Gulf coasts, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
Ian Baucom, executive vice president and provost at the University of Virginia, has been named president of Middlebury ...
Where are Northeast Florida's top high school football players going after National Signing Day? Catch up with the full list.
Ten former California high school football stars are slated to square off on the country’s biggest stage Sunday night in ...
Two-time World Cup champion Alex Morgan announced the sex of her and husband Servando Carrasco’s second baby and described how excited their daughter Charlie is to be a big sister.
Kelly Armstrong, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ... a civil and environmental engineering professor at the University of Southern California, told The Associated Press. Fire suppressants like the ...
Ming Pan is a senior research hydrologist at the University of California, San Diego. Dry conditions across Southern California set the stage for a series of deadly wind-driven wildfires that ...
Ming Pan, a hydrologist at the University of California-San Diego’s Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, tracks the state’s water supplies. He put Southern California’s dryness ...