The nonprofit has been a consistent voice at the Legislature, tackling some of the state's thorniest issues — including ...
Mexican long-nosed bats have been identified in southeastern Arizona through citizen scientist efforts and innovative DNA ...
An endangered species of bat has been confirmed in Arizona for the first time, using an emerging genetic sampling method and the work of an amateur scientist.
A new tool called Rapid DNA is on the market to help law enforcement solve more crimes. "It'd be huge for this state," Linda ...
During transcription, newly minted RNA sticks to its DNA template, forming a 3-stranded structure known as an R-loop. While ...
According to the lawmakers, up to 30 percent of minors DNA tested were found to be unrelated to the adults they were ...
Daryl Perez was skeptical of the process before taking a 23andMe, which later linked him to his loved ones in Texas ...
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Some rates use different ages or coverage limits. State Farm has the best mix of reliable customer service and affordable rates in New Mexico. While Progressive is typically cheaper than average, it ...
DNA testing has improved by leaps and bounds since the 1980s and has helped us track the evolution of humans over thousands, even millions, of years. It has enabled scientists to compare our ...