Evidence shows behaviours are a key driver of high quality. These behaviours have been developed by thousands of staff and students, and guide how we act as individuals and teams, and how we lead, ...
This paper attempts to examine the nature and purpose of traditional (that is, pre-European) Maori proverbs, and their role in greater scheme of traditional Maori culture in New Zealand, and their ...
This resource is a guide to specialised knowledge at Otago, with a particular focus on serving the needs of print or broadcast media professionals seeking stories, comment, interviews, or background.
Kate Chopin is best known in the literary world of today as author of the novel The Awakening. Highly controversial in its time, The Awakening deals with the condition of the nineteenth century woman ...
Personal information about your tamaiti/child collected on this wait register form is only used to provide early childhood education. You are welcome to look at or update this information at any time.
An index to names in documents held by the Hocken Collections, Dunedin, New Zealand A joint project between the Hocken Collections and the Dunedin Branch of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists At ...
The DMP tool helps you create research data management plans to meet University and funding requirements.
We welcome feedback as a gift and an opportunity to improve. This is central to our way of resolving issues, learning and improving. Giving and receiving feedback is a key skill for everyone. The ...
Welcome to our website! Our group is carrying out research on several aspects of parasite ecology and evolution, on a variety of host and parasite taxa, and using a range of experimental, genetic and ...
Jacques Prévert, France's most widely read poet since Victor Hugo, was born in Paris in 1900. He left school in 1915 and worked at various jobs until 1920 when he served in the military in Lorraine ...
Kylie Bennett, Anthony Bennett, Andrew Saunders, Sheryll Malthus, Karen Knightbridge, Tamara Dixon, Heather Yates, Nandika Currey and Megan Fidler have all contributed to the project to date. Dr ...