Delta-8 and delta-9 are nearly identical molecules (save one difference in the location of a double bonding of shared ...
The sale of many full spectrum CBD and intoxicating hemp products could be restricted to marijuana dispensaries if a Senate Republican bill becomes law.
Cities across Alabama have started banning Delta-8 products, and a Senate bill could make that a statewide ban.
Delta-8 THC has quickly become one of the most sought-after cannabinoids, offering a milder high than delta-9 THC with the ...
It would classify THC in hemp products as Schedule 1 Controlled Substances, making the drug classification equivalent to that ...
The original version of the bill would have out these psychoactive cannabinoids in the same class as LSD or heroin.
SB132 now aims to further regulate the sale of Delta products with stricter penalties and additional product testing in the ...
The Elgin City Council has officially approved a ban on certain THC products, a move that will remove Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC ...
Delta 8 THC brands are emerging rapidly, combining advanced science with a commitment to consumer safety. You are exposed to products that ...